a. Traverse with Bearings

Figure E-6
Bearing Traverse Example


Line Bearing Length (ft) Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
AB S 68°05'35"W 472.68 -176.357 -438.548
BC N 19°46'00"W 216.13 +203.395 -73.093
CD N 45°55'20"E 276.52 +192.357 +198.651
DA S 54°59'15"E 382.24 -219.312 +313.065
  sums: 1347.57 +0.083 +0.075
    Distance Lat err
too far N
Dep err
too far E


(1) Adjust the Lats and Deps

Setup Equations E-1 and E-2:


Now solve Equations E-3 and E-4 for each line:

Line AB


Line BC


Line CD


Line DA


Check the closure condition

Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft)
AB -176.386 -438.574
BC +203.382 -73.105
CD +192.340 +198.635
DE -219.336 +313.044
sums: 0.000 0.000
  check check


A common mistake is to forget to negate Lat err and Dep err in the correction equations. If that happens, the closure condition will be twice what it originally was as the corrections were applied in the wrong direction.

(2) Compute adjusted lengths and directions

 Use Equations E-5 and E-6 along with Figure E-5 to compute the new length and direction for each line.

Line AB

Adj Lat = -176.386 <- South
Adj Dep = -438.574 <- West



Because it's the SW quadrant, Brng =S 68°05'27.4" W.

Line BC

Adj Lat = +203.382 <- North
Adj Dep = -73.105 <- West



Because it's the NW quadrant, Brng = N 19°46'14.9" W

Line CD

Adj Lat = +192.340 <- North
Adj Dep = +198.635 <- East



Because it's the NE quadrant, Brng = N 45°55'20.7" E

Line DA

Adj Lat = -219.336 <- South
Adj Dep = +313.044 <- East



Because it's the SE quadrant, Brng = S 54°58'58.0" E

(3) Adjustment summary
  Adjusted Adjusted
Line Lat (ft) Dep (ft) Length Bearing
AB -176.386 -438.574 472.715 S 68°05'27.4" W
BC +203.382 -73.105 216.122 N 19°46'14.9" W
CD +192.340 +198.635 276.479 N 45°55'20.7" E
DE -219.336 +313.044 382.237 S 54°58'58.0" E