3. Example

From the adjusted network of Chapter E Section 6, Figure G-13, determine the standard error ellipse and 95% CI for each adjusted point.

Figure G-13
Adjusted Network 


The network had three DF and a So of ±2.136'. The last covariance matrix was:

a.  Sub-Matrices

b. AzU of Each Error Ellipse

Point J


Point K


c. Rotated Covariance Matrices Diagonal Elements

Point J


Point K


d. Standard Error Ellipse Parameters

Point J

Point K

e. 95% CI Error Ellipse Parameters

Table G-2: At 3 DF, F Statistic = 9.55  

Point J

Point K

f. Summary

Point AzU a, SU b, SV 95% SU 95% SV
215°04'  ±0.046' ±0.021' ±0.201' ±0.092'
199°54'  ±0.041' ±0.031' ±0.179' ±0.135'