2. Projection Parameters

Projection parameters define and locate the grid coordinate axes to the projection.

a. Lambert Conformal Conic, Figure E-5

Figure E-5
Lambert Conic Projection Parameters

Along with the CM longitude, parameters for a conic projection define:

Latitudes of the North and South Standard Parallels (where scale = 1)
Latitude of the Grid Origin, O
False Northing and Easting which fix the axes origin, (0,0), to the Grid Origin.

b. Transverse Mercator Conformal Cylindric, Figure E-6

Figure E-6
Transverse Mercator Cylindric Projection Parameters

Along with the CM longitude, parameters for a cylindric projection define:

Scale along the CM
Latitude and longitude of the Grid Origin, O
False Northing and Easting which fix the axes origin, (0,0), to the Grid Origin.