Surveying and Mapping Open Textbook Released

I’m periodically asked if I will add some contemporary topics like GPS, LiDAR, scanning, etc. For the most part, the material in the Open Access Library is that which I’ve had experience teaching in my 40+ year education career. I don’t feel I can adequately address newer technology because it is evolving so fast and I’ve been retired for almost 10 years.

With that said, I would like to bring your attention to a surveying and mapping textbook newly released on the OPEN Textbook network:

Surveying and Mapping

Authors: Christian Tiberius, Hans van der Marel, René Reudink and Freek van Leijen / Delft University of Technology / The Netherland.

From the release announcement:

Written in English, the book provides an academic introduction to the field of surveying and mapping. It is based on handouts and readers written for the third-year course “Surveying and Mapping” in the civil engineering bachelor’s program at Delft University of Technology in The Netherlands.

The textbook covers a wide range of measurement techniques, from land surveying using GPS/GNSS and remote sensing to the associated data processing, the underlying coordinate reference systems, and the analysis and visualization of the acquired geospatial information.

Although a few parts of the book are specific to The Netherlands, for the most part the material is applicable globally.

This is an excellent text and I encourage site visitors download it (it’s a 400+ page pdf file so will take a while). The textbook does an great job covering newer surveying technologies and procedures.

I hope to see more authors embrace open access and open textbook concepts to make educational material more accessible.

updated 12 Feb 2022