Textbooks are a contributing factor in expensive education costs. Publishers encourage authors to continually update texts so new editions appear every few years. Since the book audience is relatively small and physical publishing is expensive, students bear the burden of ever increasing costs. In education, we try to mitigate this by selecting texts which can be used in multiple classes either as a required resource or a reference. We also try to use texts students will keep after completing their degree so they are a lifelong investment.
Most introductory surveying texts don't change much between editions; the biggest differences are in technology. However, technology is now evolving so fast that even new book editions can't come out quickly enough to keep abreast of latest developments. We routinely turn to internet resources to get the latest technological information. So why pay for a new text which is dated as soon as it's available? Basic surveying concepts and computations don't change. An open traverse is still unchecked regardless if run with total station or GPS; all measurements are still subject to errors; we still reference measurements to gravity's direction. In an effort to address the textbook cost component of education, I've begun this Open Access Library of basic surveying information.
In addition to accessibility, an advantage of web-based material is the ability to use color graphics which are cost prohibitive for published books. Color graphics are used extensively in this material to illustrate and reinforce concepts.
The Open Access Library is based on class material I've developed in 40+ years of teaching.
It is provided as a free resource for educators and students and even practitioners who may need some review. Although I retain copyright on all the material and images, I grant permission for its use by anyone in support of surveying education.
If you have any comments on the material, find errors, or have ideas for additional topic, please contact me at
See my About Me page for some background information on me.